Beverly Holmes Diltz Weighing on Why Societies are Disintegrating Today

Beverly Holmes Diltz – An Entrepreneur with a Heart of Gold who has taken it upon herself to help people realize positive change in their lives and that of others. Less is more and that is why even after acquiring all the wealth in this world that money can buy, they still so empty inside. It is all vanity if you acquire all this for selfish gains. To whom much is given, much is expected and that is why you have to think of others who are not as fortunate as you have been. Such passion is what drives Beverly Holmes. To see a just society where everyone is treated in equal measure. Being a successful entrepreneur has not in the least bit hindered her from helping the needy in society. It has only strengthened her resolve. She is a servant of the people who have only one goal in mind. To help the less fortunate and young people live their dreams. Her heart of gold has endeared her to many people, which has painted her as the perfect role model who should be emulated...